@extends('layouts.admin') @include('partials/admin.jexactyl.nav', ['activeTab' => 'index']) @section('title') Jexactyl Settings @endsection @section('content-header')

Jexactyl SettingsConfigure Jexactyl-specific settings for the Panel.

@endsection @section('content') @yield('jexactyl::nav')

Software Release Verify Jexactyl is up-to-date.

@if ($version->isLatestPanel()) You are running Jexactyl {{ config('app.version') }}. @else Jexactyl is not up-to-date. {{ config('app.version') }} (current) -> {{ $version->getPanel() }} (latest) @endif
Total Servers {{ count($servers) }}
Total Allocations {{ $allocations }}
Total RAM use {{ $used['memory'] }} MB of {{ $available['memory'] }} MB
Total disk use {{ $used['disk'] }} MB of {{ $available['disk'] }} MB

Resource Utilization A glance of the total amount of resources used.

No data is available for this chart.

No data is available for this chart.

No data is available for this chart.

@endsection @section('footer-scripts') @parent {!! Theme::js('vendor/chartjs/chart.min.js') !!} {!! Theme::js('js/admin/statistics.js') !!} @endsection