@extends('layouts.admin') @include('partials/admin.jexactyl.nav', ['activeTab' => 'registration']) @section('title') Jexactyl Settings @endsection @section('content-header')
Determines whether people can register an account using email.
Determines whether people need to verify their email to create servers.
People will not be able to sign up OR login with Discord if this is disabled!
Determines whether people can register an account using Discord.
The client ID for your OAuth application. Typically 17-20 digits long.
The client secret for your OAuth application. Treat this like a password.
The amount of CPU that should be given to a user on signup in %.
The amount of RAM that should be given to a user on signup in MB.
The amount of storage that should be given to a user on signup in MB.
The amount of server slots that should be given to a user on signup.
The amount of server ports that should be given to a user on signup.
The amount of server backups that should be given to a user on signup.
The amount of server databases that should be given to a user on signup.