@extends('layouts.admin') @include('partials/admin.jexactyl.nav', ['activeTab' => 'store']) @section('title') Jexactyl Settings @endsection @section('content-header')
Determines whether users can access the store UI.
Determines whether users can buy credits with PayPal.
Determines whether users can buy credits with Stripe.
The name of the currency used for Jexactyl.
Determines whether users can earn credits passively.
The amount of credits a user should be given per minute of AFK.
Used to calculate the total cost for 50% CPU.
Used to calculate the total cost for 1GB of RAM.
Used to calculate the total cost for 1GB of disk.
Used to calculate the total cost for 1 server slot.
Used to calculate the total cost for 1 port.
Used to calculate the total cost for 1 backup.
Used to calculate the total cost for 1 database.
The maximum amount of CPU a server can be deployed with.
The maximum amount of RAM a server can be deployed with.
The maximum amount of disk a server can be deployed with.
The maximum amount of ports (allocations) a server can be deployed with.
The maximum amount of backups a server can be deployed with.
The maximum amount of databases a server can be deployed with.